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Stephen Hagger wrote:
17 Jun '22 11:26am
Excellent idea, many clients do not understand what is required to give them their desired floor finish. So many projects get into difficulty when it comes to being paid because the customer has not received what he expected to see. This is where a good interface between client and contractor is essential. The client must be fully informed of what he has to do and what the contractor will provide, to enable this to happen. This type of document I believe would be very useful.

#18 Simplistic retail floors

We walk on retail floors everytime we go shopping, but does the quality of the floor finish affect your buying decision? Should there be a minimum standard when it comes to the finish?

#17 Metallic flooring design

Metallic resin flooring has come a long way since I started doing them in 2007. However, this is not a flooring system that's easy and many things can go wrong. 

Coving with step

Bob Harris from the Decorative Concrete Institute goes through his process for installing a cove with a step up against the wall.

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